Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Colors of Fall

As the leaves change colors and fall to the ground, I cannot help but enjoy the beauty of it all. Where there were once endless shades of green, there are now warm reds and yellows. The trees over the roads make canopies of autumn bliss that gently let their leaves be carried away with the wind. The leaves float and dance as they fall to the covered ground where they crunch under toe and heel. The hills still teem with green grass and wooly sheep, but now the landscape is kissed by the season’s change. Even the vines that crawl up the stone walls have left summer behind.

I feel like a child watching a magician. I am in awe of the wonders around me and astounded by their Creator. I cannot fathom how so many colors are produced out of nowhere or how a single tree can purposefully lose its own leaves to prepare itself for winter. Nature is magnificent, but it is our Creator who is worthy of praise. With each season He gives and takes away life and with each day He displays His beauty and wonder. Have you ever looked up at the sky and thought about the hand that painted it? I often do and I smile every time. He doesn’t just paint a new picture everyday, He paints a new one every minute and His canvas is so large, we cannot even see it all.

Sometimes it is hard to see beauty in life, in this world even because it is broken in so many ways. Even so, God is good and His love endures forever. 

Taste of Ireland: If you want to play football while you're here, be sure to be specific! You can play soccer, Gaelic football, or rugby! 

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