Friday, June 28, 2013

When A Thought Became A Vision and A Vision Became Reality

Ten months ago I was introduced to puppetry and subsequently shadow puppetry. Over the course of time, I found myself greatly enjoying puppetry and the whimsical aspects of its nature. When done well it can captivate an audience of any age and communicate thoughts and ideas in such a way that people sometimes cannot. Five months ago I was asked to explore shadow puppetry. I was not unwillingly, but I was taken aback. I was interested in it, but I didn’t think it was something I could accomplish while here in Ireland. I spent a month or so researching and collecting ideas about shadow puppetry then began to experiment creating my own. The process was a bit rushed as I was trying to have the show prepared by Easter. After Easter though is when I really began to develop the final production. I recreated or added on to nearly all 50 plus cardboard puppets. I should have timed myself to see how many hours were spent on this project, but I would guess well over 70 hours.

After all the puppets, screen, and frame were complete, a team of a few other people and myself recorded the story and added sound effects. What is great is that even if the shadows turned out to be dull, the story sounds like a reader’s theatre! Once the recording was ready, we practiced behind the screen until the story was fluid. I am incredibly proud of all that we accomplished just in creating this and so thankful to everyone who encouraged and supported me along the way. What is even more amazing is how God is using it to reach into the little hearts and minds of all the children who have seen it this month and who will see it in the coming weeks. What a beautiful thing to be a part of!

Taste of Ireland: The bodhrán (pronounced bow-rawn) is a traditional Irish frame drum made of goatskin and played by holding it in one hand and hitting it with a double-ended beater in the other.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Feeling Like A Smoothie

Not long before we began our bus tour, I wrote in my journal “I either want to spend everyday until I leave Ireland on the road, or sleep everyday until I leave.” Among other reasons, I thought being busy on tour would keep me from feeling like this emotional smoothie. I want to stay. I want go home. I have a home here. I want to find another home in Jackson. I love what I am doing now, but I am excited about the future. With only a month left before I head west again, it’s almost impossible to avoid thinking about leaving and that means goodbyes will come sooner than wanted.

If anything, the tour has just added to my emotional smoothie because now I have more people whom I love but will depart from. I have also seen how short a year really is. It takes time to settle into a role, establish relationships and trust with team members, develop skills, and invest in people. Many kids from this past week would have seen me in the Christmas tour, but I will now never see them again. And when Junior brings a team back again, he will likely be the only familiar face.

I want to invest more than a few months. I want to commit my life to the work of the Lord. I don’t want the next four years to be a break from that or a period of rest.

Taste of Ireland: "What's the story?" is a common phrase used to ask "what's up?" or "what's going on?"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On The Road Again!

Last week we began our June school tour with the Big Red Bus, which means we are on the road again! We have quite a busy schedule going around to schools, housing estates, and churches to share the gospel through puppets, crafts, songs, and interaction. Our theme is that "God has a plan for you." We use a hand puppet, a magic board, and shadow puppets to talk about Jeremiah 29:11 as well as the message of salvation through Jesus. Please pray for the team as we head out to Co. Cavan this week and have about two schools a day, which could mean anywhere from 2 - 8 rotations of our program each day. You can find our schedule here. Also pray for all of the kids, parents, and teachers we will come into contact with. 

Behind the scenes!

Outside the bus

Taste of Ireland: The Irish word for Welcome is Fáilte and Slán is goodbye.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Double Decker Through The Countryside

The general first thought that comes to mind when you hear “double decker bus” is a London bus or possibly a large city tour bus. Outside of London, Dublin, or another large city, double decker buses do not typically just pull up in the lane next to you. Imagine seeing what looks like a London bus driving right through the center of your town or even better, in front of your farm in the countryside. The sight would undoubtedly be unexpected if not shocking and definitely out of the ordinary.

This hypothetical scene is all but hypothetical. It is exactly what happens when we go out with the Big Red Bus, but instead of just giving people something to turn their heads to look at, we give them something to think about. The natural question is “why is there a double decker bus?” If we stop in their town, we might have the chance to answer that question and tell them about Jesus. If we don’t, they are at least left with a few other questions provoked by the verse on the sides and back of the bus: Jesus answered “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me” (John 14:6). It is not enough for us to drive around the country and hope that people come to Christ just because we have a verse on the bus, but the verse just might plant a seed that was not there before. It has already opened up doors for conversations with people and reminded us on the team that we are ambassadors for Christ.

Unfortunately, it can be incredibly easy to forget why we are here, even when we are submerged in ministry. Fatigue can set in. The preparations can feel like a chore. The puppet routine can become nothing more than a performance. And a group of rowdy children can feel like just another group to get through. This is spiritual warfare. Each day we go into battle and combat these feelings and thoughts with prayer. We must rely on God and remind each other that we serve the Lord and He is with us. It is so refreshing and encouraging to work with the local church whose members are always excited to have the bus come. They tell us stories after the day of ministry is done about people who came to the bus and interacted with them when they never would have before. They see the kids’ faces as they watch us doing the shadow puppet show (something we cannot do while behind the screen) and tell us how they absorb the story like sponges. They pray with us and for us as we pray for them and once again, I am amazed by the body of Christ.

I don’t often think about how crazy this life is, but I am so glad it is. I get to work with an international team of incredible individuals driving around Ireland in a bright red, double decker bus sharing the gospel through puppetry. Crazy.

Taste of Ireland: If something is cool or really awesome, you might hear local youth say “class” or “savage!”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hey! What Happened to May?

May has come and gone in what feels like the blink of an eye. May was not even particularly busy in terms of my ministry involvement, but was rather a preparation month for all the things we have going on this month. Several new people arrived at Lacken in the month of May, three of whom are a part of the Creative Arts team. Emily and Joanna are interning for the summer from Bryan College in Tennessee and David from Georgia will be helping drive the bus.

In the past couple of weeks we have been getting to know each other better while putting together the programs needed for this summer. One of the most exciting things we have done while in the office (or rather the main house living room) is record the audio track for The Tale of the Three Trees shadow puppet show. We will still be doing the shadows live on the screen, but with a recording I was able to add sound effects and small details to add to the storytelling. By itself it sounds like a reader’s theatre production. Hopefully we will be able to film the show and allow you to see what all I have been talking about.

Another exciting thing we did was participate in the Carrick-On-Shannon 400 year celebration on Friday. It seemed to be out of nowhere that we were invited to participate, but it was a reminder of God’s timing and provision. It was a week and half ago that we were in Carrick with the bus hoping to meet up with some of the teens from our ministry time there in February. Instead of having a full bus like we anticipated, it was completely empty. Some of us walked around town and struck up a few conversations with adults here and there, but even the town seemed to be dead. Then before the evening ended, Junior received a phone call from the man organizing the parade. He asked if we would like to drive the bus through the parade. We accepted and brought the bus back the following week. The sun was shining. The streets were packed with people. Both young and old celebrated the past and future of the town. We went along the parade route with our worship songs pumping through the speakers as we passed out tracts to the spectators. Then when we set up the tea and coffee bar, a whole family came aboard and chatted with us about God, faith, and Christianity. In conversation with the kids, I used the little girl’s name to explain grace and before they left, I got through a simplified gospel message using the colors of the pick-up-sticks we were playing with.

I am but a sower of seeds. The Lord knows if what was said was ready to take root or not and He is the one who waters and allows new life to grow. (fr. Mark 4:1-20)

This is normal.

If you would like to know more about Emily or Joanna, check out their blogs by clicking on their names! Plus, they update more than I do. :)

Taste of Ireland: “Top of the morning to ya?”… no one says that.